Success Story: Jordan’s Hair Regrowth
Treatments used: Minoxidil & Finasteride (The Complete Hair Loss Plan)

- Jordan is 28
- His hair loss started when he was 22
- Tried different herbal remedies, but none showed results
- Finasteride is now working wonders
“No one Takes it Seriously”
All of Jordan’s male relatives were bald, on both his mother’s and father’s side. So when he started to lose his hair in his early 20s – and lose it fast – he was sure he’d be joining them.
But Jordan didn’t really know where to turn. He was reluctant to see his GP, because a previous doctor – who he’d visited for a different problem – had told him he was wasting their time. A Chinese herbalist gave him some remedies that promised results but returned nothing. A hair transplant was too expensive, and would need to be repeated as his hair loss progressed.
Feeling like he had run out of options, Jordan gave in. He let his hair go. With nobody around who would take it seriously, it started to affect his self-esteem. And with so much misleading information on the web, it was hard to understand why it was even happening.
“It was really hard to find anything reliable. So I gave up, and allowed my hair to just fall out even more.”
But Then…
Jordan stumbled across Manual whilst browsing online – and was relieved to see that he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. He’d finally found some science, too. He learned that male pattern baldness (MPB) was a proper medical condition caused by processes at the level of the hair follicles. Follicles, sensitive to the male hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), weaken and shrink. If left too late, they become permanently damaged and cease to produce hair.
Jordan had found an explanation for his hair loss that seemed genuinely credible – and he was reassured by the fact that, with treatment, it would be possible for his hair to regrow.
And Now?
Jordan has been using Finasteride – a daily tablet that blocks the enzyme that creates DHT – for over 7 months, alongside Manual’s power shampoo. The results have been impressive.
“I saw fairly quick results in the first few months and it’s been improving in bursts. Initially, it was wispy hair but now I actually have follicles just reappear in places where I had NONE! It’s amazing!”
Although Jordan feared that he’d left treatment far too long, he continues to see hair growth where there was, in his own words, only “a shiny squeaky clean bald spot” before treatment.
He’s hopeful for further growth, as the best results of Finasteride can be seen up to 12 months after starting treatment. He’s recently opted to add Minoxidil to his treatment regime too, for the Complete Hair Loss plan. Applied locally, this works to give follicular health a further boost by bringing more nutrients to the area.
Don’t Lose Hope: Male Pattern Baldness is Reversible
With MPB, it’s not necessarily just hair you lose. For many men with the condition, it can mean a loss of confidence and self-esteem – or even a part of your personality or identity.
But, whilst you might fear doctors will be dismissive, be assured that there are many men in the same boat who understand your struggle. Whilst 70% of men at age 70 experience MPB, 30% of thirty-year-olds have it too. It’s not uncommon for it to strike seriously young.
Treatment for hair loss, though, needn’t be a choice between a shady herbal remedy and a hair transplant. Rather, there are treatments available that are safe, clinically proven, and affordable.
Finasteride, the treatment that Jordan uses, has been shown to be effective in over 85% of men. When combined with Minoxidil, as part of the Complete Hair Loss Plan, those chances of success reach over 90%. Jordan’s story shows that there is treatment out there that works.